Cavan Online Radio
Cavan Community Radio was established some years ago and has developed much over that time. Originally set-up as a broadcast radio service, the format of the radio is now online. This has made the listenership soar.
On average the annual listens are between 20 and 30 thousand people with a wide variety of topics, music, interviews and discussions from the 12-16 hosts.
The radio also holds community engagement projects, including the ALMOST record breaking Drumathon on Bridge Street in Cavan Town and the remarkable and insanely brilliant Father Ted Fancy Dress Golden Cleric Fun Quiz which raises funds and awareness for local charities.
Cavan PPN continues to support the radio as a real vehicle for interaction and engagement across communities of County Cavan - between Irish and New Communities, Travellers and Settled Communities and even dogs and humans (see photo)!
The Radio provides training to all new members to enable them to conduct their shows independently and support them to develop the shows.
Check out Cavan Online Radio at the following links:
Project Gallery