Contents 1. Funding: The Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme 2. Funding: RISE Community Fund 3. Funding: Festival of Fundraising 2023 4. Funding: Biodiversity Fund 5. Heritage Keepers 6. Older Adults Drop In Info Sessions 7. Le Cheile Cootehill Culture Night 8. Mental Health Ireland World Mental Health Month 9. Hedge Cutting Open Until Feb 10. Parenting Plus Programmes 11. Bailieborough Gardening Club 12. Coffee Morning For St. Christopher’s Hospice 13. Cavan BeeKeepers Assoc. Honey Show & Craft Fair 14. Localizing Sustainable Development Goals Cavan Event 15. Transparency International Ireland 16. Tracks of Tradition in Belturbet 17. This Week in Cavan Dog Pound 18. Chess Club Open in Cavan 19. Culture Night Announced 20. Ireland’s Second SDG Week Starts 21. A Message From Cavan Volunteer Centre 22. Mental Health Connect Café in Ballyjamesduff 23. Editorial: The Separation of Community & Politics In PPNs.
Your Newsletter Is Here:
- For information on the Study trip to Killyconny Bog, please click here.
