Contents 1 Funding: Healthy Eating Projects Funding 2. Funding: Peace Plus Programme Roadshows 3. Funding: Local Wind Farm Funding Info 4. Funding: St Stephen’s Green Trust 5. Funding: LEADER Food Initiative 6. Funding: Rural Action Awards Scheme 7. Consult: The Future of Local Democracy 8. Consult: Digital Local Government 9. Healing Spirit Festival This September In Cavan 10. Loop The Lakes Killeshandra Charity Run 11. Active Adults 50+ Programme 12. Healing with Creativity Workshops 13. News From FASN 14. Take Part in SDG Week 2023 15. Sing For Me Music Festival 16. Ballyhaise Kids & Adults Tractor & Vintage Car Runs 17. Words on Water 18. Cootehill Town Team Fun Quiz 19. Water Heritage Day Event 20. Toastmasters Wedding Speech Workshop 21. Walking Treasure Hunt Cootehill 22 Summer Volunteer Appreciation Party
23. Editorial: MAGH SLECHT, Cavan’s Hidden Druidic Heartland.
