Cavan - Belturbet

Health (Physical & Mental)
Vision: We Seek To Call Home An Area Of Wellness For Mind, Body and Heart, Supported by Initiatives To Appreciate Not Only Ourselves But Our County in Creating A Place To Truly Belong.
More circular walking and cycling routes throughout the Municipal District, some focusing on river and lake shores (blue-green ways)
Host a regular Wellbeing Festival for the area, promoting goodness, kindness and wellness.
Continue roll out of Primary Health Care.
Education on exercise and dieting in the community. The Healthy Cavan initiative to come out to community groups with training packs.
Create 'community care packs' for the public, especially new people moving into the area. These to include a short guide to Cavan, supports and useful contact numbers.
Increase to mental health funding across the board, recognition of those services supporting mental wellbeing.
Health and Wellbeing classes, simple 'tips for happiness' training.

Work, Economy & Resources
Vision: Our Aim Is An Area of Outstanding Beauty Which Attracts Visitors and Keeps Locals and Embraces New and Dynamic Green and Small Business Ways of Supporting Our People.
Develop Cavan Tourism, previous Council attempts have been 'too professional' and 'branding focused'. Simple guides done in collaboration with local people. Tourism promotion very detached from the people.
Provide rural high speed broadband
Expand the scope of tourism promotion beyond simple branding and posters. Guides, fliers and a tourism office on the street near the bus station.
Analyse and tackle overcongestion at Dublin Road Roundabout, Farnham Street and Saint Clare's School in Cavan Town. Perhaps a lengthening of the entry sliproad into Lakeland Retail Park. Also, either ban right turns at Tractamotors junction coming from Ballinagh Rd OR put in a roundabout.
Provide a transparent online issues reporting mechanism for the Council.
Local public transport provision in the east of the county and west beyond Butlersbridge is not good. All focussed on the central areas.
Focus on assisting SMEs and Social and Community Enterprises as rural support to creation of business.
Push the Digital Hub and provide potential mini Digital Hubs in local community centres through the new Digital Strategy.
Invest and promote new technologies and green initiatives, including anaerobic digestion, solar and wind.

Social & Community Development
Vision: We Want To Live In A Strong And Vibrant Community Where Services Support Us And Where People Can Feel Safely Homed And Provided For. A Community That Supports Community and Services That Support People.
There's a Digital Hub for IT based businesses, we want a Community Hub for community networks and workers to come together and work.
FULL wheelchair amenities to ALL public services.
Develop mini-Digital hubs in community centres alongside the Digital Initiative in order to support people staying in their local towns and provide support for 'nomadic' online workers to working holiday to Cavan.
Deploy a Networks Worker for various community networks in Cavan to be supported, instead of separating them between many agencies and organisations.
Activate community groups with outreach animation projects and cases of best practice for community work to inspire and enthuse them.
Youth are disengaged from 'the village' and connected to 'the global village'. Ask them how we can change the local village to make it more appealing for them to engage, as they do in the global village i.e. from online to on your doorstep.
Retain essential local services such as banks, post offices etc. BUT where they have to be closed, a clear rationale for doing so and training and supports to show local people how to go about doing these things online etc.
Support the Digital Community Initiative and commend the Council for the support of local broadband blackspots while the main initiative is rolled out.

Participation, Democracy & Good Governance
Vision: We want a Municipal District of Engaging Public and Community Representatives Who Hold To the Highest Standard of Delivery For Our People and Place.
A cataloging and review of election promises by politicians.
Undertake to take the community voice seriously. Actions from consultations promoted, not just consulting for the sake of it.
Regular meeting of community leaders (such as PPN elected representatives) and Councillors. This doesn't seem to ever happen.
Host local Hustings during elections for candidates to take part and show what they're worth.
Regular public clinics by Council Staff (especially engineers) to engage with people.
More support of participative democracy by the executive branch of the Council.
Make Council Strategic Policy Committees less ineffective and 'rubber stamps'
As our cars receive NCTs for their conditions, community members should be able to have an online forum for NCTing roads and other services.

Values, Culture & Meaning
Vision: We Want To Live On An Island Of Peace That Grows In Its Togetherness As A Diverse Collection of Communities, A Place For Young And Old Alike to Be Peacefully Proud To Be Irish, No Matter The Colour, Tradition Or Beliefs. So Long As These Are Honourable And Honoured, Dignified And Cherished, We Will Grow As A Vibrant And Varied Culture.
Celebrate Our Diversity in an annual cultural parade for our many peoples and heritages; Celtic, Gaelic, Viking, Norman, Protestant, Catholic, Polish, Indian, English, Latvian, Nigerian and all the other Irishes we are.
Eradicate discrimination and make hate crime reportable and punishable. There have to be repercussions for discriminating behaviour.
Cavan Cultural and Historical Murals across the county, moveable and celebratory of Cavan's rich past, especially the more interesting legends and myths to encourage children and visitors to appreciate.
A greater public understanding through programs and education of both our ancestral peoples and our diaspora across the world with ways to connect to them online.
Promote and provide avenues of voice and action for our Active Age members. We are an aging population and we have more and more to offer the younger peoples with our experience and support.
Celebrate our mythical and darker historic past through a Halloween Festival and cherish the old ways in a new light. Very attractive for tourism.
Revise the use of our language to be more inclusive but not so politically correct as to be unusable.
More representation of Cavan's New Communities, perhaps a weekly column in the local paper and a way to express a welcome for all new comers to our island.
Make this a Peace Island, a place of peaceful dialogue embracing the many ways and diversities of our cultures and values alongside one another and supporting one another. A vibrancy of variety in a diverse dialogue of peaceful practice.

Environment & Sustainability
Vision: We Want To Live In A Place Of Harmonious Co-Existence With Our Environment, Where Our Future Generations Can Take Pride In Nature And Appreciate The Real Change We Make Locally To Help The World Globally.
Develop Nature Tours and provide training for Nature Guides to build anappreciation of our nature and provide potential start up business ventures.
Support Sustainable Economic Communities in our area, green SMEs will provide a better future.
Boilers replaces, insulation for all and stop fitting oil burners in all Councilhouses when we are trying to move beyond a carbon based society.
Engage children to develop wildlife and environmental signage and public messages of encouragement for the county.
Engender a greater respect for our natural heritage through programs and awareness raising in publicity.
Dispel Climate Change Denial.
Develop an Environmental Network for a forum of like minded individuals to work together on issues and deploy solutions. It must be SUPPORTED by stakeholders.
Support new and green technological initiatives and embrace new ways.
Move away from 'Carbon Credits' as these are a stupid way to shrug offresponsibility for what we have to change in our society.
Publish a guide, not only to access environmental, insulation and energy​grants but also handy hints and household tips to being greener.
Begin a 'Green Champions Initiative' to highlight and reward individuals who do outstanding work for the environment.
A 'Greening Your Streets' initiative and seed bombing areas with wildflower seeds. Have 'Wilding Corridors' and 'Wilderness Patches' in every area to support wildlife and act as carbon sinks.