About Us
"Your representative, networking and training
support agency for the community in County Cavan"
The collective voice for all community and voluntary, environmental and social inclusion organisations in Cavan, its purpose is to improve people’s well-being by involving the community in local decision-making.
The Work.
Each November the secretariat develops a workplan for the following year in collaboration with our partners suggestions. The workplan is then submitted to the groups at a plenary session for mandating.
Throughout the year the secretariat and resource worker implements this plan under the 3 sectoral headings meeting every second month. As representations come up, these are advertised to groups and open to elections for fulfilment of community voice
The Background.
The PPN is jointly funded by the Government department and county council. It liaises with both and sends regular reports of work and spending to ensure an open and accountable procedure.
Cavan PPN is however run by an community led agency whose secretariat is elected from among the community groups from the directors of that company. In this way, though Cavan PPN is supported and funded by the government, it is independent in its organisation and work.
About Cavan PPN
Cavan Public Participation Network (CPPN) was established as the representative voice for all Community and Voluntary, Environmental and Social Inclusion groups in Co Cavan.
The main object for which the Cavan Public Participation Network is established is: To carry on for the benefit of the community the establishment of an inclusive network promoting equality and active citizenship by providing opportunities to address common issues, promoting discussion and action; and to provide for relief of poverty and deprivation caused by social and economic circumstances and particularly to empower disadvantaged groups to participate in a programme of personal and social development.
The Cavan Public Participation Network will identify the issues that matter and try to influence policy in a way that improves the quality of life and opportunities for people within the Local Authority area of Co Cavan. Membership of the Cavan Public Participation Network is open to all community and voluntary groups, clubs and organisations in Co Cavan, working on a voluntary, co-operative or not-for-profit basis for the benefit of the community.
The Cavan Public Participation Network is overseen by a Secretariat of 12 members elected by full member groups of the network. The Cavan Public Participation Network elects representatives to committees and organisations to speak on behalf of all member groups of the Network.
The Cavan Public Participation Network is the main link through which Cavan County Council and other decision-making bodies in the Local Authority area connect with the community and voluntary, environmental and social inclusion sectors. Cavan Public Participation Network is committed to working in an open, inclusive and transparent manner on behalf of all member groups.

Cavan Belturbet MD
This MD is spread from the centre of the county to the far northwest and takes in the towns of Cavan, Belturbet, Ballyconnel, Bawnboy, Killeshandra, Dowra and Blacklion.
It has a rich tourism industry in the killykeen Lakeland, Cavan burren and Cuilcagh areas.
The main economic focus is in Cavan Town but despite the rise in population here, there are more community groups in rural than in urban areas of the county.

Ballyjamesduff MD
The MD has been referred to both as ‘South Cavan’ and the Agricultural Zone of the county. It spreads from Arva and Lough Gowna in the west to incorporate Ballinagh, Ballyjamesduff and Virginia until reaching Mullagh in the east.
It also has the highest level of commuter population in Cavan. This contains the highest number of community groups in County Cavan and the greatest frequency of community project activity.
Ballyjamesduff and Virginia are the two largest towns in this region.

Bailieborough-Cootehill MD
The smaller of the 3 MDs, the Bailieborough Cootehill area stretches from Redhills and Ballyhaise in the west to Bailieborough and Kingscourt in the east with Shercock and Cootehill along its northern fringe.
This MD has the lowest number of
registered community groups, mainly focused in or around the towns of Kingscourt, Bailieborough and Cootehill. The MD has seen significant drop off in community groups since it was reregistered in 2016.

Who Should Join The PPN.
All Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental Interest groups should register with the PPN. These include but are not limited to Youth Groups, Active Age Groups, Tidy Towns, Tourism Interest Groups, Social Support Groups, Family Resource Centre’s, Sports Groups, Environmental Groups, Disability, Community Development, Resident Associations, Arts and Culture, Heritage, Wildlife and many more.
This is the first time in Irish history that the Community & Voluntary Sector has been given the right to sit at the decision-making table BY LAW. So let’s be sure to use it.